Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The humiliation

One of the many ways in which I was left feeling humiliated is the financial ruin I find myself in now. Today I met with a bankruptcy lawyer. I can't believe it's come down to this for me. I had such great credit and made such good decisions for so long and now this is my only way out. I can't believe I let being called pretty carry me this far. Never again. From here on out, the only person who can put their name next to mine can do so after he walks me down the aisle. I will be ok right? It will be alright if I lose my house wont it?

I have to believe that this is my way out. My way to really start fresh. To be completely rid of my past unhealthy relationship. When he moved out from me and in with the next girl, I though... "ah yes, that's because he likes emotionally needy women" and I fear I may have been that. But I"m not now. If the price of a guy making me feel pretty is financial ruin, I'm not willing to pay it ever again. I will pull myself up by my boot straps, square my shoulders and march proudly ahead. This may be one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, but this too shall pass.

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